Friday, August 21, 2009


In Ces's words...
"I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us."

Sarah, my sister, honored me with this beautiful award from Ces and Bella and it's so special to me. I'm so lucky to have my beautiful sisters (Sarah and Anne) in my life. There's nothing like that bond. This blogging thing only happened because of Sarah, who prodded and cajoled me into it, but now that I'm doing it, I see why she did.

The wonderful friendship and support from the people I've met here is amazing and rare. We get to share with each other, sometimes in ways that don't happen in the real world--in ways that touch me every day. So, to all of you who've stopped by here and left comments on my blog, or even stopped by and took a look, thank you, too. I'm so happy you're here. And thank you, Sarah, for giving me this beautiful (seriously, I love the tree!) award.

In return, I'm passing this award to a couple of people who have been very kind and generous to me-- new friends I would love to honor with this special friendship award.


Thanks for making me feel welcome here!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congratulations on your first blog award, Barbara. And thank you so much for passing it on to me! I am honoured by and appreciative of your thoughtfulness!

Sarah Sullivan said...

You are very welcome hon!!! It is well deserved! I am thrilled to have you here. It is a wonderful place and better with you in it!!
Love you, Sarah

Holly said...

From one writer to another; it's a pleasure to read your blog. I'm already in love with your sister, though, so I can't fall in love with you, too. Otherwise, the three of us will have to become Mormon and move to Utah. Congrats on what is the first among, what I know will be, many awards. And, thanks for awarding this to me, too!

Barbara said...

Debra-- :p) You're so welcome.

Sarah------Oh, you already know...

And Holly--LOL! Right, and then the husbands would get involved and it would all get so messy.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Congratulations Barbara - you so deserve this award. It is always a delight to read your insightful posts.

My goodness, you have passed it on to me! I am touched and honored. Thank you so much. I have so appreciated your comments on my blog.

Snap said...

Congratulations on your first blog award! There will be many more ... of that, I am sure!

San Angelo Home Theater said...

This was great to read, thank you