The Four WHO?
1 day ago
“Whenever we think, or know, or believe, we’re lots of other people. It’s only when we feel that we are no one but ourselves.”
--e.e. cummings--
You've got a demanding new job and there's lots to learn, but you can do it! The flower WILL bloom!
Hang on!!
Awww hon..I so understand..hang in there hun I am pulling for you ..stoopid flower bloom already...geesh!! Oh and hon....breathe and lower those shoulders a little!! Love you hon I do, Sarah
I love this quote - it means a lot to me - hope you do too.
Anais Nin "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Hang in there!
(Yes, I do crochet and I do make throws -- just not lately, but my fingers are itch and twitchy!)
Thanks guys. Yes, this job is challenging more than my fingertips. :p) Your sweet words really helped. I love coming here and hearing from you.
And I love that quote by Anais Nin, Joycee. Wise woman. Thanks for sharing that. xoxo
Love this picture. you know I'm a frog freak anyway. Where did you find it?
Doh! Chatty Crone, sorry I called you by the wrong name. Early morning brain fade. I'm awake now. Do you have those moments where you're staring off into space, thinking of something else and it suddenly hits you that you've made a mistake? Yeah, that was about 2:15 this afternoon. Sorry. :p)
xo B
I love that picture, and they are all right, it'll bloom and you'll have your perch :)
hugs xxoo!
No kidding.........
love it.
the world is counting on ur survival
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